King's Gate Primary School



Mrs Gough


Welcome to Summer Term!

The Woolly Bear Caterpillar by Julia Donaldson

The Hermit Crab by Eric Carle

This term our driving text is 'The Woolly Bear Caterpillar' by Julia Donaldson'. 

This half term children will learn about Minibeasts and how they grow and change, they will link this to how they grow and change.  We will watch caterpillars move through the life cycle process until we hopefully release them.

Our last book will be 'The Hermit crab', we will use this text to help prepare for change.  Just like the crab, the children are outgrowing their reception class and its time to choose the best bits to take into year one.

Each week children will take part in a 'WOW' experiment, designed to promote awe and wonder and promote vocabulary and question skills.  We want our children to be interested in the world around them and seek to find answers.

We are learning letter sounds using our phonic scheme 'Supersonic Phonic Friends'.

We follow White Rose Maths.

At King's Gate Primary school we expect all children to read at home everyday and a minimum of four times per week.

In addition to reading, please practise the flashcards that we send home to support learning and feel free to ask if you have any questions at all. 

We will always keep you updated on our Homerun app.


Meet the Team


Weekly homework

Class showcase


Don't forget

Monday - 

Tuesday -  

Wednesday - 

                       PE (no earrings) OUTSIDE - when

                       weather permits, if it gets too cold or

                       wet we will be inside this half term.

Thursday -    Homework folder to be


                       Library books changed

                        Fantastic Four checked

Friday -         Indoor PE (no earrings),

                       New reading book issued

                       Homework issued

Everyday children will need to bring their King's Gate bookbags to school with their reading records and reading books.



100 Book Reading List

Reception 100 book reading list


Useful Links

Information about Reception Baseline Assessment

Development Matters; New Early Years Guidance

White Rose Maths for EYFS

A video to explain how maths works in EYFS

Letters and Sounds link to demonstrate how to pronounce phonemes

A video to help explain how phonics works in EYFS

Link to our 'starting school' meeting at KGPS

Link to 'Get set for PE' our new PE scheme

All about Neli - our new language program



Spring term

Autumn Term Showcase